What’s new?
Iwane Sannsou Ice Climbing Clinics
Course Fee:¥12,000/1day、¥24,000/2days(Guide’s expense, accommodation(free for guide), entry fee for Ice Tree are not include)
Max person:5名
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Kousenn Doujyo(Ice Climbing Clinics) 2024
Fee:¥6,000 (Ice Candy entry fee is not included)
Max person:4
Entry start from 21st, Dec. Check out the AkadakeKousenn website!
BC Ski touring for real beginners 2024
For those who want to ride JAPOW but don’t have confidence of how to handle gears including skins, bindings, or snow safety equipment, or how to climb up efficiently, this one is for you. We’ll learn all those technics on the way but still have big fun on POW! Rental avalanche gears are also available. Enjoy nice and quiet mountains on weekday.
Schedule:Feb 1, 9, 29
Where:Kagura BC area
Guiding fee:13,000 JPY/person (Guide’s expense, lift ticket are not included)
Level:Beginner to Elementary
Max person:6
BC SKI 2024
Avoiding packed and crowded weekend, with just 2 hours hike up, maximum 400m elevation gain, using advantage of lift access, enjoy some of the best snow around! For those who doesn’t have enough experience for BC skiing, I offer BC clinics a day before this tour so check it out!
Where:Kagura or Oguna
Schedule:Feb 2, 10, 22, Mar 1
Hotaka BC area
Guide Fee:15,000 JPY/person (Guide’s expense are not included)
Level:Beginner to intermediate
Max people:6
Kasumisawadake West Ridge
With no trails in summer, experience nice and quiet mountain that you can basically climb during winter season. Enjoy over night trip with special meal served by your guide!
Shedule:Feb 3-4(Sleep is the tent)
Guiding fee:¥60,000/person(Guide’s expense is not included)
Max person:2
Level:Beginner to intermediate
Ice Climbing Clinics @Ice Candy and Nakadake couloir
Get some skills of ice climbing on day 1, then test your technics on rarely climbed but beautiful alpine route on day 2
Shedule:March 9-10(Stay in the lodge)
Guiding fee:¥58,000/person(Guide’s expense, Entry fee for Ice Candy are not included, accommodation for guide is for free)
Max person:2
Mt.Kisokomagatake and Sagitaru ridge on Mt Houken’s east face
Climb the beautiful alpine peak called Kisokomagatake on day 1, then chill out in the Hotel Sennjyoujiki and get some great foods and nice hot tab. Then go to the short but exposed Sagitaru ridge on day2. Clinics for Crampons and Ice Axe is available on day1, join me if you have been in the winter mountains few times, but still learn something new for bigger adventure!
Shedule:March30-31(Stay at Hotel Sennjyoujiki)
Guiding fee:¥60,000/person(Guide’s expense, accommodation etc are not included)
Max person:2